
Six Super Cute Backpacks for Back to School fall 2021

If you are anything like me you are both excited and scared for your little one to start school this fall. I am so excited for the opportunity she has and nervous because she will be gone at school all day.

One thing that is helping me stay stress free is preparing for back to school as much as I can. I am already buying school supplies, and back to school clothes. Choosing a new backpack is no easy task. I have removed some of the stress for you and chosen six cute backpacks for your child this school year.

We currently have the camouflage backpack and I love it but it’s not quite James’ style. I think she wants something a bit more feminine and a lot more purple.

Check out these backpacks I have selected for your Childs back to school and shop by clicking on the image. Whether you want a classic Land’s End like you may have had in school growing up, or purple unicorns like James, there is something for everyone in this list.

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Let me know what backpack you pick for your child this new school year. I can’t wait to see your child rocking their backpack with confidence in a few weeks.

What other back to school shopping are you getting done in the next few weeks? Let me know in the comments below.