
How to do it all as a mommy and Influencer

I get asked alot how I do it all. Be the mommy, and wife I want to be, and manage the insane work load of an influencer. The answer is simple: I don’t. Most of the time, something is put on the back burner so the other can thrive. I am a less present mom so I can write blog posts or write pitch emails. I don’t send one pitch for two weeks, because I am outside playing with chalk and bubbles with the babes.

The truth is, it is very hard to balance it all. And I know that I cannot do everything at 100% each day. That said, structure and grace are my best friends.

Structure gives me time each day before the kids wake up to work on things I need to work on. Grace allows me to forgive myself when I realize I am failing at one of my roles. And the cycle goes on.

That said, I can say that I have developed a system that works for me. It helps me be more productive in less time.

Here’s what I do:

I write down every single platform I need to post on, and assign each of them their own morning. So, on Monday’s I may write a blog post, and schedule my Clubhouse rooms. On Tuesday, I may write my pitch emails, and create Pinterest pins for my blogpost. So on and so forth.

This helps me approach each new morning with purpose. I am not thinking each morning about what tasks I should do. It is already assigned to me. This helps take away some of the mental burden of being an entrepreneur.

Another thing that has helped me is the structure around a meal plan and prep. By 4pm each day, I was stressed looking through the cabinets, thinking about what I would make for dinner that night. In fact, if I am honest, I was really starting to get stressed at breakfast thinking about this every day. The mental load of decisions makes me so tired. So, I have shifted to making these decisions earlier in the week (Sunday), buying all groceries for each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and SNACKS), and sticking to that calendar. I even meal prep some of the meals on Sunday to give me a head start. 

The reality is, I am not making complex meals. My dinners take 20 minutes to make. But, taking the daily thought process has given me so much more peace.

I will share with you a sample meal plan for the week here.

As women, we are often balancing it all. I am trying to do alot without burning out. So, my two pieces of advice are structure, and grace. Give yourself more of each and you should be able to get more done, and overall, be pleased with what you have been able to accomplish.

4 thoughts on “How to do it all as a mommy and Influencer”

  1. Being able to create time for being an influencer while being a mom can be hard at times. I try to remember being Mom is more important.

    1. Yes! The most important. There have been plenty of times I’ve had to slow down enough to realize my priorities were off, and adjust.

  2. I love that you dedicate time of each day to a different platform and you don’t try to do it allll in one perfect day . Thank you so much for this blog post it’s super helpful and honest .

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